.. index:: Price Calculator ======================================== How to add custom product pricing module ======================================== In this tutorial you will learn how to your own custom product pricing module. Create an application ===================== First you need to create a default Django application (or use an existing one). If you do not know how to do this, please refer to the excellent `Django tutorial `_. Implement the price calculator class ==================================== Within ``__init__.py`` file of your application (or anywhere you choose) create a class that inherits from lfs.plugins.PricingCalculator and implement all inherited methods. .. code-block:: python from lfs.plugins import PriceCalculator class CustomPriceCalculator(PriceCalculator): def get_price(self, with_properties=True): return self.get_price_net() ... Other Methods... Plug in the custom price calculator =================================== 1. Add your application to the PYTHONPATH. 2. Add the application to settings.INSTALLED_APPS. 3. If your are using models (which is completely up to you), sync your database. 4. Edit the dictionary lfs.core.settings.LFS_PRICE_CALCULATORS to make your custom pricing calculator available to products in the manage interface .. code-block:: python LFS_PRICE_CALCULATORS = [ ["lfs.gross_price.calculator.GrossPriceCalculator", _(u"Price includes tax")], ["lfs.net_price.calculator.NetPriceCalculator", _(u"Price excludes tax")], ["mycustom_price.CustomPriceCalculator", _(u"My Pricing Calculator")], ] Set the shop default price calculator ===================================== 1. Go to the LFS Management Interface. 2. Select ``Shop / Preferences``. 3. Select ``Default Values`` and go the ``Price Calculator`` section. 4. Select your new pricing calculator from the drop down menu of choices. 5. Save the default values. .. note:: All products with an unset price calculator will default to using the shop price calculator. Set the product pricing calculator ================================== 1. Browse to http://yourshopdomain/manage and login. 2. Select ``Catalog / Product``. 3. Select the product whose price calculator you wish to change. 4. Select the ``Data Tab`` and scroll to the ``Prices`` section. 5. Select your new pricing calculator from the drop down menu. 6. Click on ``Save Data``. 7. Now browse to the customer view of the product and you should see the price as calculated by your custom pricing calculator.